Dr. Daniele Stefenelli
Posturologist – Kinesiologist – Massage therapist
Sensory perceptual postural evaluation
Sensory re-education integration of postural reflexes
Motor re-education
2022 – Current
ARCO, Italy
Massage therapist
The Massotherapist is the figure included in the list of professions of the Ministry of Health among the Auxiliary Arts of the Health Professions, authorized to operate in the field of sports massage, wellness and, upon specific medical prescription, in the therapeutic field.
Types of massage:
– Myorelaxing massage
– Therapeutic/decontracting massage
– Sports massage
– Lymphatic drainage massage
With the different massage techniques, multiple mechanisms are stimulated that lead to significant physiological changes in the human body, both at the cellular and organ levels.
A good massage determines a direct action on the tissues and organs, but also creates a reflex response, i.e. a modification of the patient’s functional and emotional status.
The massage techniques we offer have effects on the skin by increasing its elasticity, extensibility and transpiration, on the muscle, on blood circulation in general, on the digestive system, on the peripheral nervous structures and above all on the reduction of the pain symptom.
Training in the gym and weight room
Energym Gym
06/10/2017 – 11/12/2017
– skills for planning an individualized and adapted training schedule
– skills for managing the secretariat of a gym
Training for preventive activities adapted to disabled people
Cooperative Amalia Guardini Scarl
28/11/2017 – 15/02/2018
– skills for planning a preventive gymnastics lesson adapted to people with different disabilities
– relational skills with the disabled
Training for preventive activities adapted to the elderly
University of Motor Sciences of Verona
26/03/2018 – 06/04/2018
– skills for planning a training card with machines and free body for the elderly.
Internship with adapted preventive and rehabilitative activities
Eremo Nursing Home
16/02/2018 – 30/04/2018
– skills for planning a gentle gymnastics and stretching lesson
– skills for proposing a preventive gymnastics lesson adapted to people of different ages undergoing cardiological surgery
– skills for dealing with the patient
– skills for planning group work
Teacher Instructor UTED motor activity
Franco Demarchi Foundation
13/03/2019 – Current
University of the Third Age and available time (Trento branch)
CONI sports instructor
CONI – Provincial Committee of Trento
27/10/2018 – Current
Project “Motor literacy in primary school”. The aim of the project is to improve the general mobility of pupils in the first and second grade classes.
University of Bologna
University Master in Posturology: perceptual-sensorial, motor and cognitive activity
08/03/2019 – 2021
Study of Postural Deficit Syndrome (SDP): evaluation and interpretation of the essential elements to ensure greater control over people’s health.
University of Verona
Doctor of Exercise and Sports Sciences
Thesis topic: postural re-education in the elderly
Studio Associato Esse Quattro
Certificate “First aid base – group B and C”
13/04/2019 – 14/04/2019
DIABASIS Professional massage school
Certified holistic operator “Swedish Massage”
26/11/2017 – 27/11/2017
– Swedish holistic massage techniques
Dr. Ilenia Fracca University of Motor Sciences Verona
Certificate of Posture and AFA Adapted Postural and Vertebral Gymnastics
– skills to propose postural gymnastics and joint mobilization exercises
– skills for an initial assessment of posture